I don’t know if you are like me, but I have found myself saying I can’t, a lot in recent months. Can’t do this and can’t do that. Making excuses because I am either overwhelmed or not confident enough to take on something new. My new book was a prime example. Every time I started to doubt myself, I said, I can’t Lord. Maybe you really didn’t mean for me to do this, even though confirmation came from one end of the world to the other of people being obedient to give me a word from the Lord that said it is time to write your testimony. Why is it so easy for us to give up, or not even start in the first place? When we are asked to do something, we are not comfortable with, the urge is to say I can’t. We all have gifts, and even when we don’t feel that we do, God knows are limitations. He also knows the plan for us. And we cannot hide our gifts and talents from him. Defeat is boundless. It infiltrates our lives and fills us with doubt. But every time we say I can’t, or, I am not qualified, or somebody else can do it better, the devil hears us. He cannot read our thoughts, but he can sure hear our words. Joshua 1:9 says “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” Don’t ever forget that you are ENOUGH. If God calls you or lays it upon someone’s heart to ask for your help, then He will help you. Don’t throw your hands up and say I can’t Lord. Take a deep breath and say ok, Lord, help me in all things. I promise, you will be victorious if you put your trust in Him.  Until He Comes!

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